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Skip Williamson, one of the architects of the underground comix movement who has been penning cantankerous satire for more than 30 years, is shown here posing in front of the painting he created for the outside wall of Eyedrum Gallery.

In 1968, along with Robert Crumb and Jay Lynch, Williamson helped launch Bijou Funnies, one of the earliest and longest-running underground comix titles. Some years later the Comix Journal said, "Skip Williamson is still the quintessential underground comix artist." and that "where (Robert) Crumb’s primary comix aim was introspective… Williamson took a broader look, skewering both left-wing trendiness and right-wing over- reaction at a time of much-publicized left-wing trendiness.

Photo by Michael Pilmer - Please do not use w/o permission